• Erice (Italy), 16-22 October 2023

    Erice (Italy), 16th-22th October 2023

Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture


International School of Biophysics

"Antonio Borsellino"

16th-22th October 2023 - Erice

48th Course:

Memos for biophysics into the future: Lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, multiplicity, and consistency


Purpose of the course

This Course aims to present the state-of-the-art in pure and applied Biophysics and discuss future research directions linking current knowledge with the most recent ideas and methods. It is an ambitious course having its roots in the history of the Italian Biophysical Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics, SIBPA, established 50 years ago in Italy in a network of scholars between the Universities and the National Research Council, CNR. SIBPA was founded 50 years ago in Parma, and its inaugural congress was carried out in the same year in Camogli, electing Antonio Borsellino as its first President. The ambition of this Course is to reflect the fact that Biophysics is a scientific discipline without boundaries, a boundless territory of knowledge where the critical question of biology, "What is life?" is addressed and studied with the methodological and conceptual framework of physics. The beauty of Biophysics lies in the natural propensity to seek those regularities descending from physical laws that make the living unique in a kind of succession of "chance" and "necessity". The power of Biophysics lies in its temporal and spatial scalability.

From these considerations, we decided to build a program linked by six keywords that, in the centennial of the National Research Council, also recall the one of the birth of Italo Calvino, one of the most beloved Italian writers, namely: lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, multiplicity, and consistency.


Registration information:

Applications are encouraged from all young scientists (PhD students and postdocs) interested in the topics of the school. A poster session will be held for students to present their activity. The deadline for registration is October 9th 2023. Maximum 50 applicants are admitted to the school. Participants will have the chance to be selected for oral flsh talks or posters based on the voluntary submission of abstract and CV. Abstract and CV can be submitted later within the end of September. 

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 Program and abstract available


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